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Monday, August 1, 2016

Categorization of Operating Systems:miscellaneous

         An operating System can be categorized in to different types based on how many tasks it can do at a time and number of users using the same system at the same time.

Single Task Single User Operating System
          For example consider MS DOS, at a time a system can execute only one task(command) at a time. Also only one user is allowed to use the system at a time. 

Multi Tasking Single User Operating System
         For example consider Microsoft Windows multiple tasks can be executed at the same time. You can open notepad, paint and word document and also at the same time you can send mail to your friend in Windows.  Only one user is allowed to use the system at the same time.

Multi Tasking Multi User Operating System
        At a time a system can execute multiple tasks at the same time and also multiple users can use the same system at a time. Linux flavors like Red  Hat , UBUNTU are examples of multi tasking and multi user operating system .

Note: even though Windows Server Operating system is available which serves multiple users at the same time but the best example of multi user operating system is UNIX/LINUX.
Note: LINUX is a flavor of UNIX. LINUX code works similar to UNIX but still its code is different from UNIX. LINUX is a free open source software. That's why most of the companies using LINUX Operating System as their server Operating System.Also LINUX is virus free operating system. Installation cost is less.

Linux operating system . Unix operating system, Bootstrap loader program , ROM,RAM, services, responsibilities , single task multi task single user multi user operating system, kernel, free open source software , virus free operating system, windows server, Red Hat, redhaht, ubuntu UBUNTU,Installation cose, notepad wordpad, POST test, BIOS

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