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Thursday, July 7, 2016

difference between stub and driver:miscellaneous

Both stub and driver are used in software testing to test the sample code. Both are used to simulate the interface between components. For suppose in a project there are three modules. A is a main module and B,C are sub modules. i.e, A depends on sub modules B and C to complete its work.

stub: For example at a certain time consider like main module code A is completed but still B and C module codes are still in development. At this time we develop a dummy code that simulates both B and C respectively and carries our test. The dummy code here is call stub.

driver: For example at a certain time consider like sub modules B and C have completed their coding and ready for testing . But the main module is still under development . At this situation we develop a sample code(dummy) to simulate the main module A. The sample code we developed is called driver.

* Both stubs and drivers are dummy modules which simulate some part of the project when required.

* stubs are used when sub programs are under development stage
* stubs are used in top down approach

* drivers are used when main module is under consideration

*drivers are used in bottom up approach

                        automated testing

software testing, stub, drivers, component testing,simulators, phython, alpha testing beta testing. 


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