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Tuesday, March 29, 2016



     A system call is nothing but a call to an operating system to do some thing   behalf of user. In UNIX also the system calls  does the same. In UNIX there are two modes.
User Mode: In user mode all the user level programs will be executed.
Kernel Mode: In kernel mode all the system level programs will be executed i.e.,whenever there is a need to access system files. When the system starts by default the system is in kernel mode.
     When the user logs in the system he is in user mode. UNIX provides system calls to interact with operating system files. When a system call was issued the control goes from user mode to kernel mode and execution continues in kernel mode. After completed execution in kernel mode the control transfers back to user mode.

Unix system calls can be categorized into  
1) File related system calls
       File related system calls are used to do operations 
on  a file like creating files reading files etc. 
open(), read(), write(), lseek(), stat(),fstat(), chmod(),
  chown() are some examples of  file related system calls.
2) Directory related system calls
       Directory related system calls are used to do 
 operations like creating a directory,getting present 
 working directory etc.
 mkdir(), chdir(),rmdir() getcwd() are some examples of 
directory related system calls.     
3)Process related system calls
         Process related calls are used to do operations on 
processes like creating a new process, loading new process
 code into executing  process address space etc.
fork(),vfork(),exec(),wait(),getpid(),getppid() are some
examples of process related system calls.
4) Inter process communication
          Inter process related system calls are used to 
establish communication between two processes.
 shmget(),shmat() etc. are some examples of inter 
process related system calls.

                                        Directory handling system calls
Unix operating system Linux operating system shell programming bourn shell kourne shell c shell difference between unix and linux operating system , history of UNIX, red hat operating system. UNIX OS architecture , kernel utility programs , file handling process handling inter process communication pipes shared memory message queues socket programming TCP/IP , UDP programming , One to One chat Application , Basic shell program to add two numbers , echo function , while loops clear gt lt le ge ne eq if fi while do done case array in unix strings , cut copy paste cat dir pwd getcwd chdir command read write stat lseek fstat flock mechanism.even or add program vi editor command ni vi editor command mode esc mode insert mode aa dd x :q :wq :w
System calls. Pipes,mkdir,chdir,open read pipe,shmget,shmat ,msgctl,msgsnd msgrecv, system calls

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